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Farewell Message from Art Auchenbach


Farewell Message from Art Auchenbach, 2022 President

Hello EPWPCOA membership! As you read this a lot has changed (some for the better). I am no longer your President (that’s the “for the better” part) but you aren’t finished with me yet! Now that the Association is in the stable (read: sane) hands of Lew, Heather, and Ron, I am free to ride off into the sunset BUT before I do, as my last act of President (not that I did a lot of “acts” as President) I am honored to give you our recap of 2022 as the association gets things rolling for 2023!

2022 was a return to “normalcy” and the second half of the year featured two great EPWPCOA events, the Trade Show at Sunnybrook Ballroom in September and the awards meeting hosted by the City of Reading in November.

As the Association prepares for our 86th year of service to our industry I ask each of you to once again (I sent this to all of you last year!!) review our mission statement, where we state, “The purpose of the Association is to advance knowledge and to encourage the exchange of information for the betterment of our communities. We keep our members informed on important issues and provide many PA DEP approved continuing education opportunities.” I ask you to review this not to simply read the words, but to pause and give thanks to the many men and women who came before us who had the wisdom and foresight to establish an organization like this where we can develop business, share ideas, network and learn, and most important, develop lasting friendships and relationships. This should not be taken lightly. While we are all impacted by the distractions and business of work and personal lives, we need to take this moment to remember….and thank….those who have impacted and directed this great organization. Just last year deaths stole several of our industry stalwarts. For those of you who identify in the category of O.P. (older professional) or Y.P. (Young Professional) please take some time to share. Share your time, your experience, and your interests with each other. As our green industry “grays”, we need to be sure that we have our next generation of leaders comfortable and excited to lead us into the next decades of our organization. Being involved in EPWPCOA is one of the best decisions that I’ve ever made. I look forward to sharing my experiences with all of you and learning more about what you would like to see the association become.

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Reinholds, PA 17569

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